NPPG Builds a Big (Bank) Web to Lure Its Prey (Again)

Ever wonder how come a company like NPPG that has always lost profit in the past 5 years is able to takeover something as big as PACE’s Dean & Deluca? There is a story…..

Does it not raise suspicion in anyone that NPPG (Thailand) Public Company Limited (NPPG), a company that has never seen the word “profit” in the last five years with an uncertain business structure plan, has been trusted and approved a loan from one of Thailand’s top banks to takeover PACE’s high class F&B business from New York, Dean & Deluca?

Maybe it is PACE that decides to “Cut Loss” in order to maintain the business.


However, according to the NPPG’s first half consolidated financial statement, the company lost 82 million baht, while having retained deficit at 561 million baht. The discount on issue of share is 17 million baht, and total liabilities are almost 600 million baht. How can these numbers even pass the “bank” risk management to get a loan?

There is no doubt suspicion has been raised on the bank “turning a blind eye (again)” and approving the loan without considering NPPG’s financial statement, or is there some financial transactions going on without anyone knowing?


Take a closer look at NPPG, and you will find out that the man behind the curtain is someone who is notorious in the stock market, even the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) put his name on their blacklist due to the NPP (currently NPPG) insider trading in 2017.   

What is more concerning is that “someone” is developing a story for NPPG by taking over this company and that company to lure investors to believe that NPPG is doing well. Then, returns the favor to all investors by a sudden selloff, getting all the profits, and leaving NPPG in a bad shape like it used to be.

How can investors believe in the company with such actions will yield a profit to payoff the loan?

The “bank” cannot say that they did not know about such actions, unless the “bank” ignore the matters..

Or…..the Dean & Deluca thing is just a scheme to release PACE from its binding and develop another plot for NPPG to lure more prey.

It is highly unlikely that a shaky NPPG will be holding on to a premium restaurant franchise like Dean & Deluca. In the end, whether the shares will go up or down, those who still get caught in the web are investors.


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