World’s Most Vaccinated Country Struggles to Curb Covid Cases from the British Variants

World’s Most Vaccinated Country Struggles to Curb Covid-19 Cases from the British Variants.

Israel has vaccinated 30% of its population, while 82% of Isaeli aged over 60 have received the jab. The country is leading the world in the fight against the deadly coronavirus. However, Israel continues to struggle with the new Covid-19 variants, sending hospitalization to increase rapidly.


“We see a wave of infection that refuses to decline, apparently because of the mutation,” said Israel’s Health Minister.

Image from Worldometers

The vaccine is believed to work against the British variant, but the mutation’s more contagious nature means higher infections and hence more hospitalizations. The number of patients on respirators has hit a record. The country has reported a total of 4,600 people who died from the virus.

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