Trump to Drop the Last Bomb on China, Banning 89 Firms from Acquiring U.S. Goods

Trump to Drop the Last Bomb on China, Banning 89 Firms from Acquiring U.S. Goods

Donald Trump’s administration is set to declare the list of 89 Chinese firms and companies that have military ties, banning them from buying U.S. goods and technology, according to a draft copy of the list seen by Reuters.


This move could escalate tensions between the two countries as well as hurting the U.S. companies as regarding the draft rule has identified Chinese and Russian companies the U.S. considers “military end users,”. The companies that want to continue trading must seek licenses to sell a broad swath of commercially available items to them.


Despite the fact that according to rule, applications for such licenses are more likely to be denied than granted, said Reuters.


The export restriction of U.S. goods and products applied to items such as computer software like word processing, scientific equipment like digital oscilloscopes, and aircraft parts and components. While items for aircraft included everything from brackets for flight control boxes to the engines themselves.

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