Foreign Investors Withdraw THB2.6 Billion from Thai Market, Plunging SET Index by 7.5pts

The total value of buying and selling separated by the investor's type as of July 23, 2021.

SET Index closed at 1,537.63 points, decreased 7.47 points or 0.48% with a trading value of 70.2 billion baht. The analyst stated that the Thai stock market closed lower due to the uncontrollable Covid-19 outbreak, posting as a downside risk to the 3Q21 performance, coupled with the upcoming holiday, resulting in a low trading volume.

The analyst advised investors to monitor the earnings season of U.S. tech stocks and the FOMC meeting on 27-28 July, while expecting SET Index to continue moving in sideways trends on Thursday with a support level at 1,530-1,515 points and a resistance level at 1.550 points.

– Foreign Investors withdrew 2.6 billion baht from the Thai stock market, plunging SET Index by 7.5pts.



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